Can I get this working?!
Download and unzip the source.
Add these packages to meet dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev libopus-dev libopus0 libortp-dev
There is no configure file so straight to ‘make’
then ‘make install’.
markp@lenovo:~/ for PCs/TRX/trx-0.2$ sudo make
cc -MMD -Wall -c -o rx.o rx.c
cc -MMD -Wall -c -o device.o device.c
cc -MMD -Wall -c -o sched.o sched.c
cc rx.o device.o sched.o -lasound -lopus -lortp -o rx
cc -MMD -Wall -c -o tx.o tx.c
cc tx.o device.o sched.o -lasound -lopus -lortp -o tx
markp@lenovo:~/ for PCs/TRX/trx-0.2$ sudo make install
install -d /usr/local/bin
install rx tx /usr/local/bin
Seems OK!