Just a reminder about the wysywyg page builder in WordPress, when using the ‘X’ theme from theme.co:
When this was first installed (2015) X included a copy of the ‘Visual Composer’ (VC) page building tool. This paid for plugin was included in the price of ‘X the theme’. Alongside this was an additional plugin called ‘X-Shortcodes’, which allowed insertion of many pre made X themed page components by simply pasting the shortcode text (this is a common way of adding content to any WordPress page).

After a while (2016?) theme.co decided they could do better than VC (there were frequent compatibility issues when either the (3rd party) VC plugin or the X theme was updated) and they launched their own pagebuilder tool ‘Cornerstone’. This tool essentially inserts the X-Shortcodes easily into pages (I think?). This tool was one of the main attractions, along with the 4 theme ‘stacks’ complete with their demo-content, which allows the setting up of several dozen different looking themes.
It is interesting to note that now WordPress has created its own free tool (with the introduction of WordPress 5.0), which (perhaps), aims to offer the wysywyg approach to all for free with the introduction of the Gutenberg