icon 225 working in ibex using (gnome’s) network-manager

1. Before you can use NetworkManager with these devices you need to check if the the hso module is installed by using this command:

find /lib/modules/`uname -r` -name ‘hso.ko’

2. ozerocdoff is needed to stop the Icon’s onboard usb virtual cd from firing up.

that requires: libusb


3. sudo apt-get install libusb-dev


If you are running a 64 bit system or if ozercdoff crashes run this command:

sudo make clean

Then compile ozerocdoff:

sudo make

Install the ozercdeoff and the udev scripts

sudo make install

The next time that you plug in a device with ZeroCD enabled the udev scripts will run and call ozercdoff.

5. After that (gnome) network-manager looks after the connection

use orange (contract) as broadband type in n-m

This appeared good intially in eeebuntu but after a few moments (possibly of innactivity (?)) would crash the whole PC.

The version of Pharscape’s Option driver that comes with nm 0.7.0 is relatively old, poss v 1.2. So upgrade to HSO module version 1.9. Followed instructions of MartinD here to incorporate the module into the kernel using dkms, which should help if kernel gets upgraded (ie no rebuild necessary).

all goes OK til running the build then is complains that the kernel source headers can’t be found by dkms.

So: in Synaptic Package maneger (NOT add/remove programs!) install build-essential and the version of eee kernel headers that dkms is looking for. (kernel: 2.6.27-8-eeepc)

installing of headers hangs after an hour. reboot causes hdd complaints says yes to all when running a manual fsck.

reboot thankfully brings back the gui. nm not working with the Option now so try a rebuild of module:

sudo dkms remove -m hso -v 1.9 –all
sudo dkms add -m hso -v 1.9
sudo dkms build -m hso -v 1.9

all seems OK has run for an hour now… 🙂